
5 Easy Habits for Better Cyber Security

When people think of cyber security, they tend to assume it’s a complicated process. Even as businesses become dependent on technology, some believe that complex IT networks are the only solution to protecting your data.

But there are simple and easy ways to strengthen your cyber security system. Here are five easy habits you can implement to protect your organization’s data and systems.

Routinely Backup Data

Maybe your data gets accidentally deleted or corrupted in some way. Or worse, you become a victim of a cyberattack and no longer have access to your files.

Backups of your data make it easier to recover from a data failure. Data backups ensure you have the most up-to-date data available to you. You’ll want to keep the original files and the backup files in separate locations from each other.

Keep Devices and Software Updated

Devices, software, and even apps are frequently updated to keep cyber threats away. You can set it to automatically update when a new version is available. Other hardware and software may need manual updates. Keeping these programs updated is crucial in ensuring you’re protected against the latest cyber attacks.

Be Cautious of Unexpected Emails

Phishing emails are designed to manipulate the recipient into sending personal information. When you receive an unexpected email requesting funds or private data, you should take the necessary steps to ensure the request is authentic.

You should also avoid clicking on links or attachments from unverified email addresses. This could be malware trying to download into your computer. Train your employees on email scams to protect yourself against cyber attacks.

Have a Strong Password Policy

Login credentials are often the first defense to accessing an account. A person needs the right login and password, but a cybercriminal can steal this information. A strong password policy can help minimize the risk of unauthorized users learning login credentials.

A few of these password policies can include:

  • Changing passwords every 90 days
  • Not using the same password for different accounts
  • Requiring a password or code to access devices
  • Using different passwords for personal and work accounts
  • Using a password manager to secure login credentials
  • Setting up security questions with answers only you know

Enforce Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

When a strong password policy fails, two-factor authentication (2FA) can be an extra barrier to prevent unauthorized users from gaining access to accounts. 2FA requires people to authenticate their identity for a second time before granting access.

There are multiple ways to accomplish this, but the most common method is to have a unique code sent to a phone number or email address. Then the person will enter the code to verify their identity.

Whether you have a large or small network, Compass Network Group can provide you with a multi-layered cyber security approach. We can help with your dental office communication system, dental IT services, and more.

We serve the Lancaster, PA region, and we’re dedicated to ensuring your network is safe from cyberattacks. Contact us today to schedule a free no-obligation Discovery Session by filling out our online form or calling us at 866-336-8727.
